Mr. chow gay meme

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Also, while drunk, he usually keeps falling asleep. Alan can also play Blackjack really well and he learned from reading a book on it, as it seems he can't lose. Alan also is sometimes very dimwitted and copies Phil, whom he idolizes. Alan is still obsessed about the weekend in Vegas, as he has all the evidence (which he was meant to delete) on his bedroom wall. Even at 41 until his marriage, he used to live at home with his parents as he has his dad pay his rent and his mother calls him 'Sweetie'. Alan takes ADHD medication because he is extremely hyperactive. Although he is very immature, he never swears except on two occasions. In all three films, Zach Galifianakis plays him.Īlan is considered by other people to be while a child at heart, he is also a 'fucking dumbass'. He is also the best friend of Phil Wenneck, Stu Price and Leslie Chow. He is one of the most famous of the four heroes. Alan Garner is the son of Sid and Linda Garner, brother of Tracy Garner and brother-in-law of Doug Billings, husband of Cassie and the hero of The Hangover, The Hangover Part II and the hero of The Hangover Part III.

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