Roxane gay over broadway my beloved

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Read a book bullet (meaning another LT member inspired you to read it)ĥ.

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Author uses middle name or middle initialĤ. I love nothing so much as a LibraryThing meet-up and I hope to manage at least a couple of them in 2019.ġ. I'm also participating in Kim's group read of These Truths: A History of the United States by Jill Lepore over the first four months of the year. I''ll dip into the American Authors Challenge now and then as well as the Nonfiction Challenge. I'm participating in a few challenges this year: And, as Jim says in his description of this group, '.we care less about the numbers than we do about the exchange of book info and the community of readers.' Yes. LT has expanded my reading horizons more than I could ever have imagined. I try to read widely but my go-to genres are literary fiction and mysteries. 2019 will be my 9th year as a member of the 75ers (this month is my 8th Thingaversary!) and it is my most beloved on-line community. I'm a runner and walker (around town or in the woods), collector of bookmarks, and lover of books. I love wine, milk chocolate, and ginger snaps. I'm a handful of years away from retirement and looking forward to it more than I had expected. I've spent the last 25 years or so in the Pacific Northwest (U.S.). Greetings all! I'm Ellen, a university administrator living in Washington state with my partner Prudence (aka P) and my beloved elderly cat, Abby. Photograph by NITIN VAYAS, 2017 National Geographic

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